Master Wig Specialist • Compassion • Relaxed
4 Old Route 146, Clifton Park NY 12065
4 Old Route 146, Clifton Park NY 12065
Synthetic and Natural Services:
- Cutting/Thinning
- Cut/Thin Wigs or Hairpieces purchased elsewhere
- Washing
- Styling
- Re-styling an existing unit
- Formal styling (For synthetic only)
Natural Hair Color Services:
- Shadow Root
- Balayage
- Highlights
- Lowlights
- Color Correction
Confidence Class... and a little sass beyond expectations
Mission Statement
The first purpose of Private Room Fittings de Donna is to provide full customer service and the best possible products. These two components along with many years of industry knowledge, skill and expertise will empower clients to reconnect with themselves and once again begin to have renewed confidence to heighten their self esteem and own their self worth. The owner and staff will strive to treat all persons with utmost respect, empathy, patience, dignity and tenderness they deserve.
The second purpose of Private Room Fittings de Donna is an establishment that has the reputation in the community as the “go to” place that is synonymous with style, compassion, spirit, renewal, sense of normalcy and meeting specialty needs.
The third purpose of Private Room Fittings de Donna is to continually research products new to the market, continue in educating the owner and staff on new techniques and product developments that will prevail through changing tides, resonate to consumers and solidify it’s successful standing. This valuable achievement will give us the verve and opportunity to serve the community, grow and ultimately give back.
Customer reviews
Covid Communique
Here at Private Room Fittings de Donna we are committed to maintaining your health and safety. All safety measures are optimally performed. Presently, only one client is able to be in the studio at a time. One family member or friend is allowed to accompany, but must remain in the Spa area (right outside the studio) or in their vehicle (just outside the door) where the client will show them each style. Clients can facetime their family or friends during the consultation to limit persons in the building. Masks must be worn during the whole appointment.
Covid Communique
Here at Private Room Fittings de Donna, LLC. As always, all cleanliness safety measures are still optimally performed between each client to prevent communicability. Masks are not required. If you would like Donna to wear a mask or are immunocompromised, please simply ask. Preferably one family member or friend inside the studio to accompany the client would be ideal, but not required. If you or your accompaniment are feeling ill or have symptoms related to the Common Cold, Flu or SARS-Cov-2, HA-MRSA , please reschedule. There are many symptoms of Long Covid. One of them results in hair loss. This effect is typically temporary. Either from the stress of yourself having the virus, caring for a family member who has suffered through Covid-19 or has passed away, hair loss has been prevalent. Whether you are suffering from telogen effluvium or chronic telogen effluvium. We are here to help and support you through this new found phenomenon.
Get in touch
Please leave as much information as possible and we will get back to you asap.
Call or Text: (646) 236-5596
Monday 10-5
Thursday 11-7
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